A priority with no

At Sri Nona Food Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd., it is not enough to just make products that bring joy and delight to our consumers. What is equally important, all our products are made in full compliance to the halal guidelines issued by the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM), and in accordance with the Islamic Law (Syara’) requirements.

Halal-certified every step of the way

  • All raw materials used in our factory are approved by JAKIM
  • All finished products made at our factory are certified by JAKIM and free from non-halal ingredients.
  • We are halal-compliant all through the value chain of our operations; from materials selection, purchasing, raw materials receiving, manufacturing facilities and personnel directly involved in production processes, to the storage, warehousing, and transportation of our products.
  • We implement Halal Assurance Management System (HAMS) to maintain and ensure sustainability of halal production processes according to JAKIM requirements and standards.
Certified by JAKIM

Halal as our way of work

More than just ensuring our products are halal-compliant, we are fully committed to meeting the Halal standards and requirements through continuous strengthening of employee’s Halal awareness and understanding with the following initiatives:

  • Regular Halal Awareness training program.
  • Regular training in Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Good Hygiene Practices (GHP).
  • Non-Halal foods / drinks are strictly prohibited within factory premises including the office and canteen.

Certified for your confidence

All our manufacturing facilities have received accredited certification:

manufacturing facilities

Our halal accreditation
MS 1500
1 088-03/2004